So Carol finally bought herself a PS3. I am not into video games and never bothered learning the technology past N64. Carol keeps trying to get me into video games that we can play together and it hasn't worked too well. But I decided to give it another try with the new system and picked myself out a game called Little Big Planet. In this game you are a sack person. I make an adorable sack person. I love this game. Carol does not as much. It reminds me of the old Mario games. You have a level. You travel through the level, all on the single plane moving to the right, and you collect blue orbs and stickers instead of coins. There are no big bad scary things to fight, so far anyway. You just wander around and enjoy the world. I love it.
Carol, being less enthused about this game than I would have hoped, decided to show me her ability to download games onto the system. So I was sent to find a game I would like off of there. I found Flower. Flower is an amazing game where you are the wind in the dreams of a flower. You soar around blossoming other flowers and collecting a petal from each. As you blossom the flowers, the grass turns green and sky turns blue. It is a beautiful relaxing watch. Carol has yet to let me play it. This game, she loves.
You just reminded me how much I love my Wii. I should probably start playing with it a little bit more.