So Carol and I have decided to become fish-e-chick-e-tarians. Basically just no red mean and a lot more healthy foods in general. I am fairly excited for this.
Carol and I were all alone over the weekend which was very exciting. She made dinner two nights in a row, basically the same meal because the sauce was messed up the first time so she re-did it. It was chicken with a grilling rub in a white wine sauce with garlic, onion and thyme, to which she added heavy whipping cream and sour cream. It was extremely delicious and I wanted to bring the sparce left overs to work today but I figured I should finish the chinese from Thursday instead.
Ani DiFranco concert at the 9:30 club with Melissa Ferrick opening. It rocked. Minus having to stand for four hours and being pushed by annoying people and standing behind tall people. But other than rocked.
Today is our last alone day. I am mourning for our time.
I always think about giving up red meat and then something (usually a hamburger) comes along and I decide not to. But that's not a very good reason, is it? I wish you both more willpower than I have.