Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have decided that new underwear is really one of the best things in life. It completely changes how you feel in an outfit. I have random desires or rather obsessions to shop for different things. Currently it is underwear. I want new casual underwear, new flirty underwear, new sexy underwear, new romantic underwear (yes there is a difference). I want new bras because all of my bras are from high school and they suck. So I have recently bought two new bras and desire five more.
This is my problem. I can never just decide I want or need something and then buy it. I have to buy it and all of its friends. I need new jeans, so I want at least three new pairs of jeans that fit me like a glove and look great with everything. I want my hair to be perfect so I would in theory go to a stylist for consultation and then buy an entire line of styling products just to reaize two weeks later: I'm really not that interested in putting the time into perfect hair.
And somehow, I am between sizes at the moment. I am sure I fit a size just fine but my closet is made of clothes that are a bit too big or a bit too small. Does this mean I should go out and find clothes that fit me now, or decide to gain or lose weight each week so I can fit into all of my clothes? I just don't know. But in the mean time....I might have to get a Victoria's Secret credit card.

1 comment:

  1. I completely feel ya. I have a mix between your jean and underware problems. I have some underware that are really old and then I have some that don't really fit. I keep them all because every now and then I thing I might need them. Never mind that I probably won't ever need underware that don't fit properly. Or a thong that has bling.
